- antihormone
- антигормон* * *антигормон
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
antihormone — [ɑ̃tiɔʀmɔn] n. f. ÉTYM. Av. 1973, le Monde, in la Clé des mots; de 1. anti , et hormone. ❖ ♦ Biol. Substance de synthèse chimiquement proche d une hormone spécifique et empêchant l action de cette hormone sur ses récepteurs. ⇒ Antiandrogène,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Antihormone therapy — is a form of treatment which suppresses selected hormones. This can be done with drugs, radiation, or even surgery. The suppression of certain hormones would be beneficial to the cancer patient, because certain hormones might prompt, or even help … Wikipedia
antihormone therapy — Treatment with drugs, surgery, or radiation in order to block the production or action of a hormone. Antihormone therapy may be used in cancer treatment because certain hormones are able to stimulate the growth of some types of tumors … English dictionary of cancer terms
antihormone — noun Date: 1927 a substance (as tamoxifen) that blocks the action or inhibits the production of a hormone … New Collegiate Dictionary
antihormone — noun Any material that counteracts the effects of a hormone … Wiktionary
antihormone — an·ti·hor·mone hȯr .mōn n 1) a fraction of blood globulin that is capable of rendering ineffective a protein containing heterologous hormone when the latter is administered over a period of time and that is now generally considered to be a true… … Medical dictionary
antihormone — n. substance which acts against a hormone … English contemporary dictionary
antihormone — an·ti·hor·mone … English syllables
antihormone — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷| noun ( s) Etymology: anti (I) + hormone : a fraction of blood globulin that is capable of rendering ineffective a protein containing heterologous hormone when the latter is administered over a period of time and that is now… … Useful english dictionary
HORMONES — Chez les animaux pluricellulaires, la coordination des fonctions exercées par les différents organes repose sur des systèmes de communication qui opèrent au sein de l’organisme pour maintenir l’équilibre fonctionnel indispensable à la vie [cf.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ANTIHORMONES — La notion d’antihormone s’applique aujourd’hui aux molécules capables d’inhiber de façon compétitive la formation du complexe hormone récepteur. Sa définition première, désignant toute substance capable de s’opposer aux effets résultant de… … Encyclopédie Universelle